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St Mary’s English Medium School, Kannarpady, Udupi, was established in the year 1984 with the vision of providing quality education to the enthusiastic learners of Udupi and enhancing its educational standards. The school flourished under the patronage of the Mother of Sorrows Church, Udupi,well-known for its spiritual leadership and dedicated social responsibility. The progressive evolution of the school is the result of the far-sightedness of the different Correspondents who were passionate in realizing the dream of nation-building through education. Today St Mary’s has established itself as a school with a difference.

The School is located in the serene ambience of lush greenery on the outskirts of Udupi, an ideal location for an educational institution, about a kilometer from the National Highway 66 and Kinnimulky. With its excellent educational infrastructure and innovative approach to education St Mary's keeps shining not only in academics but also co-curricular activities.

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St Mary’s English Medium School affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education, New Delhi is a premier educational institution of Catholic Board of Education (CBE) headed by Most Rev. Dr Peter Paul Saldanha, Bishop of Mangalore and V. Rev. Fr Antony Sherra, Secretary of CBE. The school which had its origin under State Board, of late got affiliated itself to CBSE. Since then, St Mary’s has left no stones unturned to transform itself into one of the Best CBSE Schools of Coastal Karnataka thus drawing students from different parts of the our Country

The Education at St Mary’s can be best summed up in the words of Rabindranath Tagore. “The highest education is that which does not merely give us information but makes our life in harmony with all existence.”

St Mary’s right from its genesis has been gearing up to form not only the intellectual giants but also socially responsible global citizens. Expectations for our students are high at St Mary’s. School Fraternity firmly believes that every student can experience success and go on to graduate as a responsible, resilient and confident young adult, well prepared to take charge of their future and to become a productive member of the community.

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  • All-round development of students - intellectual, physical, emotional and spiritual.
  • Fostering critical thinking, creative ability and intellectual excellence.
  • Formation of good Indian citizens, deeply loyal to God and the Country.
  • Development of concern towards the poor and the weak.
  • Solidarity as an Institution without caste or communal prejudices.
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