Patrons Day Celebration
Patrons Day was celebrated in honor of the beloved Patron Mother Mary on September 9, 2024.
The formal program commenced with a prayer.Ms Laveena extended the words of welcome.Dignitaries on the stage inaugurated the celebration by lighting the candle. Students' choir added special charm to the program by singing beautiful Marian hymns. Chief Guest Rev. Fr Anil D'Souza was felicitated for his dedicated priestly service. Addressing the students he emphasized the timeless values of humility and gratitude reflected through the life of Mother Mary. The teachers and students who donated sweets on the days of Novena prayer sessions were honored by the Correspondent. Correspondent V. Rev. Fr Charles Menezes in his Presidential address acclaimed the heavenly qualities of mother which nurture us in to worthy human beings. Vice Principal Ms Rita Quadros proposed the vote of thanks. Principal Rev. Fr Vijay Joyson D'Souza; Rev. Fr Leo Praveen D'Souza, the Assistant Priest of Mother of Sorrows Church; Mr Maxim D'Souza,the Vice President of Parish Pastoral Council ; Head Boy Shawn Elroy D'Souza ;Head Girl Purvi S Kotian and Senior Secondary leader Leon Anthony Mathias were present on the stage.
The Students performed dance and skits depicting the ceremonial practices and the value system of the feast of the Nativity of virgin Mother Mary. The winners of various competitions conducted in connection with the Patrons Day celebration were rewarded on this ocassion. Rivelle of grade 8 and Daria of grade 9 anchored the event.