Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives & Logo

Description of Logo

St Mary's is a temple of learning. The light of Knowledge leads us to the Truth. Discipline is our watchword. Jesus Christ, the Light and Truth, is our inspiration. Mother Mary, our heavenly mother, is our patron. Minds, ignited with divine inspiration, and hearts, inflamed with social concern, we strive to achieve excellence and become responsible and upright citizens of India.


Presenting socially responsible and morally upright global citizens to our Society.

  • Development of the latent talents of the students.
  • Fostering critical thinking, creative ability and intellectual excellence.
  • Establishment of a just and peaceful social order.

To draw out the best from the students through academic and value education.

  • Fostering sensitivity towards the poor and the needy.
  • Bringing forth competent leaders with sound moral values.
  • Imparting education of the heart to develop moral uprightness.